Situated in the middle of the Baltic Sea historical island Gotland had a strategic importance between East and West. Through centuries the island was a centre for the exchange of goods and ideas. This is still visible by the many traces of cultural history of which the island is so rich. Also nature is exotic with the life of plants and birds, not being seen as rich anywhere in the North. Gotland has through many years had a high attraction of artists: The nature painter Lars Jonsson, ceramist Eva-Marie Kothe (both living on Gotland) and nature artist Jens Overgaard Christensen (DK) have the nature and culture of Gotland in their blood. In the exhibition one sees watercolours and ceramic works.

January 7 - March 19, 2017
There is that which for sure is, then there is what definitely not is (exists), and finally that which almost not is. It is small almost trivial things which most people neglect in daily life. It is what almost not is, which form the background for the art works by graphic artist Birgitte Thorlacius and sculptor Lars Waldemar in this joint exhibition. Read more

January 14 - April 2, 2017
Sculptor Keld Moseholm through-out his life worked with sculpture as his expression. Through his continuous focus on the body as a motive he manged to give a living warm vision of human life and also a monumental sculptural form. With naturalist approach he renders life and family members just beside him, but also the many chubby and more anonymous figures has an important, beloved and well respected position in his art, used as they are for sculpture in public space many places in DK and abroad. The exhibition primarily displays models, smaller sculptures and model drawings. Read more

January 7 - April 2, 2017
The island as inspiration - Gotland

April 8 - October 8, 2017
Face and Identity
- a FACE art exhibition
The portrait is important in understanding the human identity. The artist again and again uses the portrait genre to penetrate through the surface. The exhibition “Face and Identity” is a kind of investigation which takes place in more dimensions. What does the face- and the staging of it - say about our sense of self, about the relation between looks and identity? The project takes on three perspectives: A historical perspective, where art history is seen in a new way through eight different themes. The central perspective is contemporary and is made up by the works of contemporary artists. Represented are Nils Ramhöj, Carl Krull, Ulla Diedrichsen, Tony Oursler and others. In their art works they apply modern modes of expression such as self-representation, photography, video, drawing, painting etc. The third perspective is a surprise that will concretely engage the audience. Supported by Aarhus2017 European Capital of Culture and a part of the local cooperation FACE, engineered by 6 cultural institutions in the city of Silkeborg throughout 2017. Read more
August 18, 2017
Intervention on public space
The project was created by the artist Néle Azevedo (BRAS). In connection with the River Art 2017 Art Centre Silkeborg Bad has invited the project Minimum Monument to Silkeborg. Here it is part of Rivert Arts contribution to make Silkeborg Ildfestregatta into a full moon event in connection with the European Capital of Culture Aarhus 2017.
Be aware that the intervention only lasts a few hours. It will take place Friday, August 18 at 16:30 by “Stryget” (the fauna passage) in the middle of Silkeborg city.
Subsequently the project will be documented in a photo exhibition at Café Ørnsø at the Art Centre Silkeborg Bad. Read more
October 14 - December 30, 2017
EUROPATHY - “Europa Felix”
With reference to the exploratory travels of Niebuhr in the 18th century Arabia, a group of contemporary Danish artists turn the gaze towards the idea of a specific European communion. Their exploration aims to put our conception of Europe in perspective through various artistic media. A reverse gaze on our own part of the world is necessary in a time of great change, in order to raise the consciousness of a common identity and the more airy imaginations thereof. European identities are changing and difficult to decipher under the historical flight lines of the moment. The artists are looking into the cultural formation of identities as well as the historical watersheds, borders, traditions and stereotypes. The artists are: Jeanette Land Schou, Vicky Steptoe, Pernelle Maegaard, Nina Maria Kleivan, Nanna Gro Henningsen, Bodil Brems, Henriette Camilla Hansen and Karen Gabel Madsen. Read more
October 15 - December 30, 2017

Erik Nyholm (1911-1990) was more a painter than a ceramist, but the clay became his favorite medium. In the last 25 years of his life, he explored and challenged the clay and all the processes that precedes the finished ceramic work. His pottery adorns many public places both inside and out. And his big dishes, jars and reliefs are found in collectors in middle Jutland, where he lived and worked, and at many Danish art museums. Read more

Till 2018
Callum Morton: "Sisyphus"
Callum Morton (AUS) creates new art work and installation for the outdoor area by the Art Centre Silkeborg Bad. He draws on the rich history of the site, and creates a situation of wonder for the visitors. At Sculpture Experiment Silkeborg audiences will meet his work, while strolling around in the beautiful park area. Though aesthetic means Morton creates contrast, tenseness and introduces themes which will surprise in the context. Part of the programme of European Capital of Culture Aarhus2017. Read more