January 9 - April 24, 2016
Artist Ole Lejbach and writer Jens Blendstrup has been travelling all around Denmark to map the oaks of Denmark. With his pencil Ole Lejbach has depicted and portrayed the individual tree and Jens Blendstrup has put his ear to the cortex and written new stories. Arranged in collaboration with Fuglsang Kunstmuseum and Johannes Larsen Museet. Supported by Nordea-fonden. Read more

January 16 – September 11, 2016
Forest of Prints
140 Danish graphic artists manifests their abilities with a total installation. They have created new works in specific formats that form a part of the total installation – a forest – in dialogue with the exhibition spaces. The organization Danish Graphic Artists comprises more than 160 professional graphic artists. Read more
Sideshow: PRINT JAM / LUBOK from Leipzig. Read more

January 16 – August 28, 2016
PULSE: Erland Knudssøn Madsen
Erland Knudssøn Madsen, b. 1942, has developed a specific sculptural expression, between figuration and abstraction. His works give visibility to an inner world of thoughts, of life, of the indescribable pulse in the smallest leaf, or in the mind of man. The last 15-20 years he has worked with concrete, laminated wood, plywood, plastic and metal plate, thereby exceeding traditional material bound expectations of what a sculpture is. Read more

Februar 16 – April 24, 2016
A Female Piece
Twelve female artists have taken the initiative to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of Kvindelige Kunstneres Samfund (Female Artists Society). Together they create an art installation at the facade of the Art Centre.

May 5 - August 28, 2016
A Special Touch – Right from the Heart
The exhibition displays the works of artists who by virtue of their disabibilty creates art of high quality. Through censorship the artists are selected among students from four Danish art schools: Lysbrokunst in Silkeborg, Snurretoppen in Horsens, Kunstskolen in Copenhagen and Bifrost in Randers. Outsider Art is both cross-border inself and in a geographical sense. American Andrei Palmer and Japanese Hidenori Motooka participate as guest exhibitors. Read more
August 20 - September in the Sculpture Park

S.E.S - Sculpture Experiment Silkeborg
Open air sculpture event in the Sculpture Park at Art Centre Silkeborg Bad. SES is a laboratory where artists challenge the traditional concept of sculpture. The artists explore our understanding of form and experiment with materials not normally associate with sculpture. SES includes works by 15-20 Danish sculptors, selected by a jury, as well as foreign guest artists. This is the first SES exhibition and is organized in collaboration between the Art Centre, Dansk Billedhuggersamfund, et al., Supported by the Municipality of Silkeborg. SES is open all day, and the public has free access. Read more

September 10 – December 11, 2016
In the Silent Forest
Sensibility exhibition created by 23 artists being part of the ducational team at Children's art Museum at The National Gallery of Art in Copenhagen. Their art work in different ways implicate interactive dimensions and encourage to the use of all senses. At the Art Centre children will be invited to co-create several palces in the show. The Art Centre receive group visits from schools and institutions by appointment. Another elated projct take place at the school in the area, where the artists from the exhibition work with children in their daily environment. Læs mere

September 17 - December 11, 2016
The Decent Women on Street 58
The exhibition is based on the life of a group of Mexican women from a particular street. Their work as prostitutes aims to create a financial basis for their children’s lives. An anthropologist has led the project and wants to achieve a step beyond the traditional stigma that follows prostitutes. The renowned Mexican artist Gabriel Ramirez interprets the lives of the women in 22 drawings. The Mexican textile artist Elena Martinez created 30 embroidered portraits.