January 3 - April 19, 2015
Anna Klindt Sørensen
Experice the colorful and expressionistic paintings in this solo exhibition with works of Anna Klindt Sørensen. She has been a rebel in the world of art and in the culturel life. She belonged to a generation of women artists who had to fight for their art with the sacrifices it demanded. The exhibition is show in collaboration with Anne Klindt Sørensens Fond and Rønnebæksholm.

January 10 - May 3, 2015
Four Danish artists and the German artist Anka Landtau take Silkeborg Bad as a former health-resort as their starting point. They grip the theme approached from a contemporary angle with our relationship with health and beauty in focus. The four Danish artists are Marina Pagh, Karen Kitani Harsbo, Marianne Thygesen and Linda Lammert Lildholdt.

January 10 - Juni 21, 2015
Søren Hjorth Nielsen
The Danish artist Søren Hjorth Nielsen (1901– 83) is best known for his drawings and graphics. The Danish artist Asger Jorn said that the graphics of Hjorth Nielsen was "some of the best in Denmark". Along with his graphics Hjort Nielsen develops his painting. The exhibition displays two paintings and fifty graphic works of Hjorth Nielsen.

January 17 - April 19, 2015
The Children of Abraham
The dogmas of the three monotheistic religions, Christianity, Islam and Judaism are in focus in this debate-generating installation by Jens Galschiøt. The sculpture is 3.5 meters high and 9 meters in diameter. It consists of the characters ‘F.U.N.D.A.M.E.N.T.A.L.I.S.M’, constructed by 8000 copper books each symbolizing Korans, Bibles and Torahs. They are arranged in a circle on top of a foundation, in which 28 screens display changing quotes, bright quotes on the outside of the circle, dark quotes on the inside. <link file:1221 download file>About The Children of Abraham
Read more about the project: fundamentalism.dk/en

April 25 - August 23, 2015
Bettina Winkelmann with German background and Nurith Lumer-Klabbers with Israeli background have lived in Denmark in many years. But they carry a legacy of World War 2 where trauma, stigma and cultural heritage from respectively Israel and Germany are in center. Together they develop a form of expression in which they work in layers and transparencies using canvas and plexiglass. In their works they illustrate the conflicts in the political and personal level in a form that is both specific and universal. Read more...

May 1 - August 30, 2015
Heerup versus Sylvester
The exhibition is a meeting between two popular and beloved Danish artists of two generations. It consists of paintings and sculptures created by Henry Heerup and Leif Sylvester. Everyday life is the subject: People, the dialogue between them, the working people, animals and nature. Arranged in collaboration with Heerup Museum in Rødovre. Read more

May 14 – September 6, 2015
Psykedelic Landscapes
The artist Birgitte Lund creates a total installation with her paintings in the central hall "Søjlesal". The visitor will go through an open landscape that makes room for imagination of nature as memories as well as the nature just outside. Her abstract painting is often serial. A smaller room is dedicated to the serial "Psykedelic Landscapes" which is artworks on paper. Read more

June 27 - August 30, 2015
Pictures from Iran II
A number of Iranian children’s book illustrators are presented in the exhibition which includes approximately 75 works created by 40 Iranian illustrators and draughtsmen. The initiative is taken by a group of Danish children’s book illustrators and Selskabet for Børnelitteratur and will tour in Denmark. In 2007 the Art Centre showed “Pictures from Iran I” and it was a great eye-opener to a different culture to the Danish audience.

September 5 - December 20, 2015
Nordic Bronze
The visual artists Bodil Dam, Jytte Høeg and Stinne Teglhus have formed the group Cire Perdue. They are presented together in Silkeborg. The technical focus is bronze casting by the cire perdue method. They work in their own way based on a figurative idiom. They each present their sculptural works as well as several joint works. There will be a workshop where the audience will gain insight into the working process from sketch to the different casting stages.

September 5 2015 - January 3, 2016
Peter Lundberg - Just Memories
The exhibition is centered on drawings as eye openers to the subject world of the paintings of the Danish artist Peter Lundberg. The exhibition includes ink drawings, watercolors and oil paintings which have not previously been exhibited. A small section of the exhibition looks backwards through 40 years of painting.

September 12 - December 6, 2015
European Tapestry show - a modern presentation of woven images from European countries. The participating artist in the International Triennal are selected by a jury. Central is the variety of expressions where the weavers experiment with new materials as well as new weaving methods.
31 textile artists from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany, France, Czech Republic, England, Scotland, Belgium, Poland, Austria and Finland are participating in the exhibition. The exhibition has been shown in Finland, Germany and Austria before it comes to Denmark.