September 24 – January 15 2012. Skovvilla
Land create people
Painter Jon Gislason and sculptor Liné Ringtved Thordarson researches into the issues of identity and how this related to inner and outer landscapes, where people are and unfold themselves.

January 8 – April 25 2011. Kurbygning
Lithography by contemporary international artists
Through more than fifty years Edition Copenhagen has specialized in a close and contemporary collaboration with pictorial artists from Denmark and abroad. The exhibition present around thirty of these internationally know artist with a total body of hundred lithographs and lithographic series, created with the use of every thinkable variation of the lithographic technique. The exhibition will be presented later on at Stavanger Art Museum in Norway.

March 2 – May 8 2011. Skovvilla
Shelter me – Voices from Nairobi and Silkeborg
Works by the artists Patrick Mukabi and Allan Githuka from Kenya. The exhibition documents the photo exhibition Kenya Burning and the LY project that has involved both children from the slum in Nairobi and Danish children. Arranged in collaboration with Silkeborg Højskole and KK44.

May 7 - August 28 2011. Kurbygning
19 th century’s painters in the Silkeborg area
Art historical exhibition, presenting around 70 paintings dated 1850-1920. The overall focus is on how the landscapes in the area of mountain Himmelbjerget and Silkeborg were appearing and being perceived during the first 75 years of the life of the steamboat Hjejlen in this Lake District in the middle of Jutland. Well know as well as forgotten Danish artists as Otto Bache, Pauline Thomsen, L.A. Ring, Godfred Christensen, Dankvart Dreyer, Vilhelm Kyhn, Harald Foss, Janus La Cour, Hans Smidth, Louis Gurlitt and others are represented in this exhibition. Curator: Palle Kousgaard.

May 7 – August 28. Kurbygning
Artist of our time looking at the phenomenon Hjejlen
Knud Knabe (D), Living Lenses (USA), Sonia Brandes (DK) and Jens Gregersen (DK) add the 150 years jubilee of Hjejlen a contemporary perspective. They focus on topics as birdlife, human life and culture in relation to the navigation of the steamboat Hjejlen, which today lives in perfect health.

May 20 – September 18. Skovvilla
AnimalWomen (Danish: DyreDamer)
In their art these young Swedish and Danish artists all refer to and find inspiration in nature and animals. There is a twist in the title, because the word dyr in Danish means animal as well as expensive. The artists are: Vibe Bredahl, Louise Hindsgavl, Lykke Andersen, Lisbeth Bank Nielsen, Marika Seidler, Lisa Strömbeck, Anja Karin Brus, Tanja K. Jensen and Stephanie Donsøe. The exhibition has been especially designed for the venue Skovvilla, which is situated in the middle of the forest. Curators: Stefanie Donsøe and Birgitte Agersnap.

September 3 – December 11 2011. Kurbygning
British artists, weaver Susie Freeman and video artist David Critchley, and doctor Liz Lee are the founders behind the project ”Pharmacopoeia” , which is now for the first time being presented in Denmark. In artistic expression they focus on the widespread use of various medicine and pills in our daily life. They are not judges. The design, colour and shape of the many different pills and their packaging are here included in a number of spectacular artworks and installations, which can arouse reflection on a subject which is relevant for most people.

September 3 – December 18 2011. Kurbygning
Gertrud Exner
The space of theatre. Puppets and scenery from a number of theatre productions. Arranged in close collaboration with Festival of Wonder, November 2011 in Silkeborg.

September 3 - December 30 2011. Kurbygning
Lysende stier
Installation by Steffen Tast

September 10 - January 8 2012. Kurbygning
Evelyn Scobie
Evelyn Scobie (N) and guest exhibitor Ingrid Duch (DK), show colourful monotypes. The monotype is a plain print, only existing in one sample. Workshop will be arranged during the exhibition period.