9 January – 5 April 2010 Skovvilla
Ceramic Ways
Beate Andersen, Bente Hansen, Sten Lykke Madsen, Bodil Manz, Malene Müllertz, Jane Reumert and Gunhild Aaberg constitute the group Ceramic Ways. In the exhibition they show beautiful arts and crafts and also that they despite being very experienced, still dare to experiment. Curator: Kirsten Dybbøl.

23 January – 24 May 2010. Kurbygning
In a time with a great international focus on clima and space research the Art Centre Silkeborg Bad contribute with an artistic dimension. We now show a large exhibition over the theme Cosmos with 17 Foreign and Danish artists. The artists focus on existential, visual and philosophical aspects on our relationship to cosmos: The visually magnificent, the scary proportions, light and dark, chaos and order and much more. Visitors will be seeing videos on widescreens, installation, photography, holography, and other expressions of contemporary art.

24 April – 15 August 2010. Skovvilla
Back is Forward
Connections and separations are in the foreground when sculptor Frode Steinicke (born 1953) shows sculptures, sculpture models, reliefs, watercolours and a few paintings from the past twenty years. His great effort is in the non-figurative art, and the exhibition is an investigation of what a sculpture is as a phenomena.

29 May – 5 September 2010. Søjlesalen
- Your Existence is Not Unlike My Own
Joan Hall (born 1952, USA) has created a site specific and large installation for the Art Centre of kozo and gampi paper and sculptures casted of paper. Joan Hall is a visual artist and professor in paper. In 2001 she was in Silkeborg for the first time, participating in the exhibition Paper Revisioned which marked the end of the paper production in Silkeborg.

5 June – 30 December 2010. Kurbygning
- Are you aware of what has created your taste?
14 young artists from Denmark and Sweden provide a debate about visual traditions in the two countries. They pose the important question, is it possible to talk about and identify national preferences in visual art? Are we aware of how our tastes have been formed through traditions and visual inheritance? Knowing the nationality of the artists and their schooling what do we expect? The visitor is introduced to the visual traditions of the two different cultures and will be able to see which positions the young artists take in relation to this.

5 June – 29 August. 2010. Grafikfløj
An Unusual Perspective
Selected works by the painter Kurt Heegaard Jakobsen (born 1940).

28 August 2010 - 20 February 2011. Skovvilla
A Walk with Colours and Lines: Hans-Ruprect Leiβ
Explore the universe of this German illustrator (born 1954, D), which is full of humour, fantastic stories or interpretations of the everyday life’s more familiar objects.

4 September – 5 December 2010. Grafikfløj
Deep Print by Lars Svanholm
The artist (born 1953) shows selected works from the last twenty years, including dry point, etching and aquatint.

18 September – 12 December 2010. Søjlesalen
Get high in this sensivity exhibition including workshops for children and young people. The two young artists from Perspektivbanden (the “Gang of Perspective”: Kristian Nordentoft and Magnus Damgaard) start from the grey and quiet subject world of the Danish painter Vilhelm Hammershøj. As a contrast to the world of Hammershøj, the fantasy and the colours are released in a total installation – and the visitors can participate!