10. January – 26. April 2009
The 9 Gardens of Anna Klindts
The young artist Birgitte Kristensen from Ry digged into the life of Anna Klindt Sørensen. Through a number of gardens she gives a portrait of this artist treating themes which she finds important in this predecessors life as an artist. The exhibition is a kind of total installation, created specifically with the intent for the building Skovvilla and it include self-portraits by Anna Klindt Sørensen ad well.

17. January – 29. March
Primarily a show of black & white graphic works, but also a few selected paintings by B.C. Meibom.

17. January – 29. March
Moments of time
The graphic artist Gay Christensen and the photographer Karsten Weirup show the original woodcuts and photographs, used for the illustrations in a new book with Chinese poems from Tang dynasty.

24. January – 10. May
Nature As A Messy Premise
The artists Gitte Bach, Vibe Bredahl, Svend Danielsen, Malene Hartmann, Knud Odde and Svend-Allan Sørensen in this exhibition works in a cross over between nature and interpretation. As soon a picture is created there will be an interpretation. Nature and culture are essentially different, but as the title implicates also interwoven. The subject is emphasized by the inclusion of ”odd” nature motives found in recent Danish art history.

4. April – 16. August
Other Cultures
Johanne Foss show graphic works in colour, created on stays in Tanzania, Syria, Italy and Greece.

16. May – 30. August
35 Danish and Foreign artists highlight the concept of exile in this international thematic exhibition. Visitors will meet different interpretations of the exile –to feel homeless and as a stranger, philosophically, politically, in human terms and/ or existentially.

29. August – 13. December
A Mirror of Earth
Photography by the Mexican artist Martha Velazquez Keller, who lives in Denmark.

29. Aug. – 13. Dec. 2009 Kurbygning, Grafikfløj
Native soil
Contemporary photography by Halfdan Trolle, Morten Vejlgaard and Lise Baltzer.

5. September – 27. December
Strange Days
Selected photographic works by Tune Andersen, who often gives a provocative interpretation of life as it can also be with his focus on the body and the use of realism.

5. September – 27. December
Graphic works by Svend Wiig Hansen from the Study Collections of Thomas and Poul Pedersen
The Study Collection is rich in experience. In addition to a general presentation of highlights from the collection, we document its rich representation of the Danish artist Svend Wiig Hansen. In the same exhibition period the old embellishment by Anton Hansen, originally meant for the central bath room of the building, is shown.

12. September – 13. December
TEXT - 5th International Artist´s Book Triennial Vilnius 2009
Artists´ Books collected directly from the international and censored triennial in Vilnius, which for a number of years has been an important centre for this very special artistic expression, where graphic artists, blandformskunstnere, photographer, poets and conceptual artists consider the idea of “books” from different viewpoints. Artist's books is an artistic expression which was developed in the 1960ies and enlarges the concept of the traditional book.

10. October – 22. November
Last Supper
Impressive installation by Marian van der Swaan, Holland.

10. Oct. – 22. Nov. 2009 Kurbygning
The Past, The Core, The Resurrection - 3 videos by Ole Bak Jakobsen

October 1 – October 25 2009 Skovvilla
Skud på Stammen 2009
Carpentry Students and renowned designers showing furniture designs. The project is the result of collaboration between-education sector and the Wood and Furniture Industry Competency Center.

October 27 – November 8 2009 Skovvilla
In this exhibition KK44 focus on different kinds of light in relation to this year's Christianity and Culture Week in Silkeborg.