6 Jan. - 18 March
Pictures from Iran
Colourful drawings by 18 quite young illustrators of children's books from Iran. Arranged by a small group of Danish draughtsmen and literary experts in collaboration with the Shabaviz publishing house in Iran.

27 Jan. - 25 March
Inge Nørgaard
The Danish tapestry weaver and graphic artist Inge Nørgaard (b. 1952) lives in North Western USA, and is showing her tapestry pictures, mixed media and sculptures. She gathers the inspiration for her motifs from mythologi, current social political topics and nature, including the countryside near Silkeborg.

27 Jan. - 6 May
Helle Thorborg
A major retrospective exhibition of paintings, drawings and graphics. The artist celebrates her 80th birthday in April 2007. In connection with the exhibition she will be publishing her memoirs, which not only include an account of her personal life, but record a whole epoch of Danish art history.

10 Feb - 20 May
Thirteen contemporary Danish graphic artists and art craftsmen express their opinions about "sofa pictures". People have always hung pictures as decorations in their homes, bot how do we use art in our homes today? The artists take a polemic view of the underlying concept of pictures to hang by the sofa, which they examine and turn inside out, asking questions that may set the viewer off on new trains of thought.

24 March - 10 June
Photographer Carl Dietrich Bühler (D/I) and painter Jørgen Jakobsen (DK) both use detailed studies of plants and the countryside as starting points for the pictures they create - see contrasts meet in their pictures at this exhibition.

31 March - 10 June
Nicaraguan ceramics - tradition & innovation
Organic forms and restrained patterns are characteristic of many works by the young ceramicists from "ceramic towns" such as San Juan de Oriente. The traditions are skilfully re-interpreted, however, by these contemporary ceramicists. The exhibition is shown in collaboration with the Museum of International Ceramic Art in Middelfart.

12 May - 5 Aug.
Thorsten Dennerline
The artist, who is a grandson of Asger Jorn, was born and lives in the USA, where he works as a professor of graphics at Bennington College. This exhibition includes the series of paintings entitled "I was There 2" and the ethings "The Man Who Fell Upwards".

12 May - 5 Aug.
Nils Ramhöj
The return of the Swedish painter who showed "13 pictures of a father" in 2004.

26 May - 19 Aug.
A juried exhibition of the categories: Fences, Furniture, Baskets and Sculpture. See natural materials transformed into artistic form and expression. David Drew from England is invited as a special guest, and his contribution can be seen outdoors. The exhibition is arranged by Dansk Pileforening (the Willow Association), who for the last ten years have endeavoured to revive the art of basket making, and will celebrate their anniversary in 2007 with a variety of different activities.

16 June- 26 Aug.
Paul Beckett
Paul Beckett (1922-94) opens up a universe of animal motifs, bull-ring scenes, portraits and musicians in his watercolours and drawings. The exhibition shows a selection of his lively animal drawings and portraits. Together with his wife, Paul Beckett established Fundación Valparaiso in Spain; a retreat where artists can work undisturbed.

16 June - 26 Aug.
Eyes That Tell
Thirty-six original paintings by present-day artists from the Amazonas region, and a series of photographs. This colourful and illustrative exhibition is a follow-up on previous exhibitions of Makonde and Australian Aboriginal art, art from Haiti, and other regions. The exhibition is shown in collaboration with IWGIA - the International Work Group of Indigenous Affairs.

18 Aug. - 4 Nov.
14 + 1 Stations. Exercises in Touching
Work by Borgny Farstad Svalastog (b. 1943 in Norway), who examines the theme of the journey through life. The exhibition has been shown in Santiago in Chile, in Reykjavik, Thorshavn and Trondhjem, and in Denmark only at the Art Centre Silkeborg Bad. Here it unfolds as a total installation in the Forest villa. Created in collaboration with the artist and curator Per Bjarne Boym.

1 Sept. - 2 Dec.
Cobra Reykjavik
An important exhibition to celebrate that soon (in 2008) it will be sixty years since the formation of COBRA, focusing especially on the interactions between Icelandic and Danish artists. Jointly produced by the Committee for Cobra in Reykjavik, the National Museum of Iceland, Listasafn, the Art Centre Silkeborg Bad and a large number of sponsors.
Curator: Per Hovdenakk.

1 Sept. - 30 Dec.
Myth, Marionette & Man
Some of Scandinavias's best theatrical designers will show puppets and theatre set designs in this exhibition, where the central inspiration is drawn from various myths and legends. Arranged to coordinate with the Festival of Wonder 2007 – Silkeborg International Puppet Theatre Festival.

10 Nov. – 2 March 08
Quilt Art 22
A score of professional quilters from the European Quilt Art Group showing examples of their work.