11 Jan. - 6 April
”The opening at 16:00”
Jens Bohr (b. 1952, DK) has observed the changing of the seasons at the approach to Odense Bay and created a narrative in a series of monumental woodcuts. The exhibitions also shows examples of coloured woodcuts and pottery by the artist.

11 Jan. - 6 April
Eva Bull Holte
In continuation of the exhibitions of works by Martin Kaalund Jørgensen, Anna Klindt Sørensen and others which have emphasised scenic interpretations and experimented with various graphic expressions, a selection of works by the artist Eva Bull Holtes are exhibited in cooperation with the Museum of Eva Bull Holte (1922-1993, N) in Norway.

18 Jan. - 23 March
Nordic Archetypes
Works by Odd Sivertsen (b. 1947, N), Hardy Brix (b. 1951, DK), Veikko Hirvimaki (b. 1941, FIN). Interpretation of nature is a common feature of the artists. Leaden sceneries, icebergs, people, rocks, woods, animals and myths are communicated as voices from joint archetypical memories through paintings, watercolours and sculptures.

18 Jan. - 23 March
Slovakian and Czech Poster Art. 1993-2003
The exhibition includes posters by 30 select customers from the two countries and is held onthe occasion of the decennium of the foundation og Slovakia and the Czech Republic. It will be shown later in Prague and Bratislava.

18. jan. - 23. marts
The contrasts leap to the eye when the works by the two sculptors Frede Troelsen (b. 1936, DK) and Eiler Madsen (b. 1939, DK) are confronted. Troelsen works in the lightness of wood while Madsen uses heavy, painful bronze, inspired by the Tollund Man and others. The works of both artists revolve around the nature of life and mind.
May - 15 June
Andreja Kuluncic
Using works that are often based on the options which the information technology provides and on interactivity in relation to the spectator, Andreja Kuluncic (b. 1968, YU, ling in Croatia) focuses on notions of modern society. The artist was represented at Documenta in Kassel in 2002.
5. April - 15 June
Spirit of Materials
New and localised works by Barbara Shawcroft (USA), Marion Bijlenga (NL), Marianne Søgaard Sørensen (DK), Gudrun Gunnarsdottir (ISL), Raija Jokinen (FIN), Anne Marie Egemose (DK), Annette Juel (DK) and Britt Smelvær (N/DK). The artists express themselves in the indoor and outdoor exhibition areas in dialogue with the surroundings.

12 April - 21 Sept.
Anton Rosen – Architect and Artist
The exhibition summaries the work of Rosens (1859-1928) as an architect and designer through documentary material, original drawings, video and examples of his art ware. The building Skovvilla at the Art Centre, designed by Rosen, provides the backdrop of part of the exhibition.

12 April - 21 Sept.
Knud Knabe
The contemporary works by Knabe (D), reminiscing the past of the spa, have been scattered in the exhibition areas.

21 June - 7 Sept.
Across Land and Mountains
DALLAS is an association of 8 young Danish artists who have all grown up in a time of Dynasty ("Dallas" as it was called in Danish TV). They work in quite different spaces with paintings, drawings, photographs, installations and much more. DALLAS is a current report from the corner of the contemporary artist, in year 03.

21 June - 7 Sept.
Floating sails Armin Saub (b. 1939, D) and Heinz Weld (b. 1943, A) show:
Die Farbquelle
An installation of colours and spaces, indoors and outdoors, in the trees and on the water.

12 July - 7 Sept.
Undercover. Jacqueline de Jong 1960-2002
Retrospective exhibition of paintings and paper works by Jacqueline de Jong (b. 1939, NL). The exhibition is shown earlier this year at the Cobra Museum in Amstelveen in the Netherlands.

20 Sept. - 28 Dec.
Erik Enevold and his etchings
Enevold (b. 1926) is living on Fanoe and is painter and graphics artist. The exhibition is focusing on his graphic works, in which the light, in particular, is used to create space and motifs of the daily life.

27 Sept. - 14 Dec.
The artistic dialogue and the reflection that the painters Erik Gamdrup Jensen (b. 1953, DK) og Poul Pedersen (b. 1933, DK, living in Paris) have had and sometimes systematically exchanged over the years are presented in this exhibition.

20 Sept. - 28 Dec.
Artists' collection
Many artists collect art and various examples from Denmark focus on this subject in this exhibition. Curator: Hanne Pedersen.

27 Sept - 18 Jan. 04
Asian Puppets
Puppets from the Puppet Museum in Lübeck are exhibited in relation to the Silkeborg International Puppet Theatre Festival.