25 May - 31 August
The Abstract Breakthrough in Danish Sculpture
The exhibition has it's starting point in the artistic experiments with shapes and abstraction, which from the 1930ties and 1940ties became an actual movement in Danish scuplture. The great phenomenon at the time was the COBRA-group, an international movement of which the heart is Danish. The exhibition shows that even in the little group of artists, COBRA, has a great span individually between the expression of the sculptures. The interpretation of the material, the shape and the statement of the sculpture goes from the Jorn and Heerup's clearly experimentating methods to the analytically experiments with the shapes of Bille, Ferlov and Thommesen, among others. The abstraction of the COBRA-group is coming into existence and is growing in an especially fertil, international environment where apparently anything can happen - and do happen.
Abstract sculpture in Denmark are other things and more, as well, as before and after COBRA - from the beginning of the century to today's expression.
The exhibition shows about 60 sculptures and other 3-dimensional works.
The COBRA-artists are known and appreciated individually in most circles, but have only been shown together in bigger connections a few times.
The exhibition is arranged by Flemming Friborg, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek.
12 October - 29 December 1996
Pictures of Silkeborg
The exhibition Pictures of Silkeborg shows a number of works which have been picked out of artists who have been inspired of the area of Silkeborg.